Parents Live in Fear...
For the past week, children in my hometown and surrounding areas have been forced to spend their school days in a soft lockdown. While the younger children don't really realize they are even in lockdown other than missing out on recess, the older children know exactly what is going on. For a week, since the gun store in Janesville, Wisconsin was robbed, these children have been robbed of their freedom. Taking recess away from these children when it is finally warm enough to go outside and play is a nightmare for them! I, like many other parents in my area, kept my children home from school a couple of those locked down days. The first day that I kept them home, I actually had a child throw a complete fit because she couldn't get a stress ball if she missed school that day. Well, is that stress ball more important than your life? I think not dear child. The suspect has finally been found. Parents can breathe a little easier knowing there is one less madman on the streets mak...