Happy Mother's Day??? Or Not...

So, yesterday was Mother's Day. I figured at least the older kids would acknowledge it at some point. 
I was clearly wrong.
Now, not everyone in my house forgot about the day. My husband, knowing that I'm not into the sappy usual gifts of flowers and things like that, bought me a beautiful Harley Quinn action figure and drinking glass. Both of them feature the "new" Harley from the upcoming Suicide Squad movie. I won't judge the new Harley until the movie actually comes out, but as of right now, I'm not impressed. First of all, SINCE WHEN DOES HARLEY WEAR BLUE?????
Okay, moving on (before I get stuck in the Harley Quinn debate, which I assure you is not what this post is about, although now that I think of it, I may be writing that post).
My 6 year old son spends his weekends with his father, so I knew I would not see him for Mother's Day. That didn't stop him from giving up a super cute hand made card on Friday night. He even drew Harley and Joker hiding from Batman (he knows how to get to this mama's heart).
My 5 year old step-daughter basically treated me like I was the scum of the earth yesterday. Yes, I know I'm not her mother, but her biological mom is worthless. I'm the one that takes care of this girl every day. I'm the shoulder she cries on when her mother "forgets" to pick her up. I feed her. I clean her. I take her to and from school. I do everything for her.
Yet, she brought out this awesome card she made at school for her "real mom". Imagine the heartbreak I felt. 
My two year old was too young to do anything for the day, and I accept that.
My older two children, my 10 and 12 year old, however, I am very upset with. They stayed overnight with a family member on Saturday night and didn't make it home until Sunday afternoon. Not a mention of Mother's Day. Once home, they immediately started fighting over who got to play what video game. A few hours later, after still no mention of the day, I told my husband I was going to go for a drive. I needed to get out of the house for a bit.
When I returned, he must of mentioned something to them, because I got a very generic, boring "happy mother's day," from my 10 year old daughter when I returned home. I don't think she even bothered to look up from the computer screen when she said it.
My 12 year old son, still refused to acknowledge anything. "There is mother's day, father's day, even grandparent's day, when do we have a kid's day?" 
How about EVERY day!!!!!
Now a sit here, the day after Mother's Day, looking around my demolished house. I refused to do any housework yesterday, so of course it's all waiting for me today. It's not like anyone in the house could have stepped out to help me out for ONE FREAKIN DAY!!!
Monday is meant to be the one day of the week that I do nothing but write, but that won't happen this week. My husband says I spend too much time on my "hobbies" so I limit myself to that one day that I am completely home alone while he is at work and the kids are at school. This week, the only time I have for my writing is the 10 minutes that I am spending on this post.

Will it change anything? No. I know that. But it does feel better to admit how I feel to someone. 


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