Girls Can Too!!

One thing that has always bothered me is the belief that boys can do some things better than girls. I have never believed in that, and have taught my children that it is not true as well.

My daughter plays hockey. Yes, she is constantly dealing with people telling her she shouldn't play a "boy's sport" and with boys on the team not thinking she is good enough. Most of the time, once the boys see her trying, they leave her alone, but there is always that one boy who cannot play well with a girl.

On her squirt team last season, there was a boy named Zach. For whatever reason, Zach had a problem with Hayleigh. Every time she got the puck, he would push her down and steal it from her. They were on the same team! 

There were times that Zach would do this to other players on the team as well (especially another boy named Alex), but Hayleigh always seemed to be his target. I had hoped that when she moved up to the peewee level that this would stop.

Not the case. There is a boy on her summer hockey league that does the same thing. She left the ice in tears today because this boy told her that girls do not belong on the ice unless they are figure skating! How are the parents raising this children? My daughter loves hockey, and although she started a few years later than most, her skills have improved so much in the last few years. 

This is actually the inspiration for the children's series that I am working on.

The possibility that girls like typical "boy" things isn't limited to just my children. My husband and I have a friend that seems to think girls don't like anything athletic. He plans frisbee golf outtings for the boys (on my wedding anniversary of all days) and get's upset with me when I tell him that my husband would not go on that particular day unless I was invited too. Yes, I enjoy playing frisbee golf. I have for years. A lot longer than this friend has played, but that doesn't matter to him. He seems to think that just because his wife doesn't enjoy it that other girls won't either.

I understand that sometimes spouses need some time away from each other. I'm sure he feels bad when he sees that I enjoy some of the more masculine activities that his wife refuses to participate in. I just want to be included once in a while. If my husband says he wants me to come with, this friend usually says plans have changed and they are no longer going. We usually find out from another friend of ours that the plans continued as planned, I was just not wanted along.

I'm so sick of the constant gender stereotyping in our society. This is 2015, not the 1920's. A woman's place doesn't have to be at home with the children. Just because some women are okay with that doesn't mean that all of us are!


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