Hockey Update

With the first week of the peewee hockey season behind us, my daughter has made a decision that I didn't think she would ever make.

After spending the last two years playing on the boys' team and loving every minute of it, she has decided to switch to the girls' team. They have been asking since the day she set foot on the ice, but she never showed any interest in it.

Over the weekend, the girls' coach explained that with only 8 girls on the team, Hayleigh would get much more ice time, and would only improve her game.

After the conversation, she started thinking. Almost every day last week, she came off the ice in tears because of the way some of the boys were treating her just because she was a girl. At first, it just made her more determined to prove that she could be just as good as they were, but she realized that their comments were making her feel like hockey wasn't fun any more. She actually considered quitting.

Yesterday, she came home from school saying she wanted to switch to the girls' team instead of going to peewee tryouts for the boys' team. Because of prior engagements, I am unable to get my daughter to practice on Monday nights, so I arranged a ride for her. She was nervous, but she called me as soon as she got home, and she loved it!

After spending the last months defending my daughter's decision to NOT play on the girls' team, we are now a member of the Jr Fury!


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