Finding Her Wings and MORE

As tax season winds down, I find my first fantasy novel ALMOST complete.

Today is my last day in this tax office (I will be working a few days each week over the summer, but that will be at a different location). I told myself that I wanted Finding Her Wings done by the end of tax season. Did I make my goal?

Yes and No.

Is the book done? Well that depends on your definition of done.

I have decided that I will be entering this book in a Kindle Scout competition, and it has a chance to be published by Kindle instead of by myself, which means Kindle will be a huge help with promotion! That is my huge struggle. I don't have the time to promote my work, and I feel like I don't even know where to begin.

Okay, I'm getting off track here. One of the requirements to enter in Kindle Scout means that the book has to be 50,000 words. My first draft was 46,500 words. Not a huge deal. I started editing and in the process, I moved up to 49,850 words. I am 150 words away from being complete.

So I sit in the second stage of editing. The book is written. The book is formatted. I just need to find a place to add a few extra sentences and off it goes.

If accepted to the Kindle Scout competition, I am DEFINITELY going to need people to get on and VOTE! Ultimately, it's Kindle's decision as to whether or not they publish it, but the more votes it has, the more likely Kindle will consider it. This is a HUGE deal to me! Please watch for posts to go vote. Tell your friends to vote.

The best part about the voting process? If Kindle selects the book, everyone that voted for it, will receive a Kindle edition FREE!!

Who doesn't love free?!?!


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