Back to Being a Hockey Mom
Hockey season has officially started for my daughter. First game of the season was a 6-2 victory for the Jr Fury. I'm back to having my weekends filled with traveling throughout the states of Illinois and Wisconsin. Back to not getting home until almost 10 pm after practice 3 nights a week.
While my daughter continues to enjoy her ice time, my oldest son (13) has discovered he enjoys sports as well. He played softball over the summer and is now in the middle of swim season. I never noticed during the countless summer days spent at the pool, but he really is an amazing swimmer! Of course being 6 foot 4 doesn't hurt.
Thankfully the little kids are too young for sports yet, but 2 are in scouts. So my evenings are spent in a car, shuttling various children to play rehearsals, swim practices, cub scouts, girl scouts, hockey practices, swim meets and hockey games. I havent picked up a pen to write anything in months, but that's not unusually this time of year. On the occasion I do have some free time, it is spent buried under yarn, getting crocheted items ready for craft shows before Christmas.
Hopefully I will have time to write again soon!
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