Health Issues...Yay...

I was in the emergency room on Saturday for what I thought was as simple as a sore throat. Not only was it strep (which I had actually assumed), but the doctors were amazed at my blood pressure. How can it be so high and yet have no signs of having a stroke?

How can it be so high when medically there is nothing wrong with me?

Stress. It's going to kill me.

My ex-husband was released from prison last Tuesday and since his release, he has been messaging me DAILY about wanting to see the kids. Um. No? You were out of their lives for 3 years. Very minimal contact during those three years. You expect me to rearrange my schedule to accommodate you? Unlikely.

And then of course there is the reason as to why he was in prison in the first place! I will never forget being woken up at 6 am on a Sunday morning to cops at my door wanting to make sure I was still alive! Not only had he beaten the hell of his girlfriend (he ended up being charged with felony strangulation and felony false imprisonment), but he had also told a few different people that he had already been to my home and killed my children and I. I'm supposed to allow this person to just waltz back into the kids' lives? Unlikely.

Of course, if I don't, then I'm the bad guy. My daughter doesn't understand that by keeping him from her, I am only keeping her safe. She doesn't care. She just wants her dad.

I guess it's no wonder that my blood pressure is insane with all this going on in my life right now!


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