It's Crunch Time

All of my recent blog posts have been about having spare time now that hockey season, my sister's wedding, and tax season (almost) are over.

Now is the time that I have to stay motivated.

Now is the time to really get things done.

I want the first draft of Saving Avalon to be finished BEFORE the end of tax season.

I also want my office to finish strong so we can maybe get the recognition we deserve!

My goal for Saving Avalon was to enter it in Kindle Scout, but now I'm wondering if that is such an obtainable goal. The book has to be at least 50,000 words, and right now I'm sitting at 37,000 and struggling with the ending. I'm not sure which direction I want it to go. I'm not sure how I am going to leave people wanting more, since I originally intended this book to be part of a series.

I'm not even sure if I want to write another book in this series.

It was fun to dive into the fantasy world, which in reality is the genre I usually read, but I miss writing about real life issues. Why write about which dragon to choose when I could write about a teen girl suffering from depression? Why worry about faeries when someone is struggling with an eating disorder?

I'm not sure what I am going to write next. I might stick with Saving Avalon, I might work on a spin off of Self Inflicted.

I guess you will all have to wait and see! (Although I'm open to suggestions)


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