The Wedding

The wedding is over. My baby sister is married.

She was so nervous in the days leading up to the event. She is a very shy person, and has been known to pass out while being the center of attention. She did great during the ceremony. It was short, sweet, and perfect for her.

My oldest kids were a huge help to everyone. Jayson filled in for a sick groomsman who had to leave early as well as did his duties as an usher and photographer. He was definitely busy! Later in the night when the little ones were ready for bed, he babysit them all (and an extra!)

Hayleigh was Sarah's personal assistant for the day. She made sure everyone smoothly transitioned from ceremony to reception as well as helped with the children and helped the servers determine what person ordered which type of food.

We couldn't have asked for a better wedding. Everything fell into place, and it was perfect.

Of course, now it's over. Now I go back to normal day to day life. Back to work. Back to writing. Back to free time!


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