Go Hawks!

The week is halfway over. My daughter's musical is over. The performance last night was definitely cute, but she was upset that the girl cast as the lead messed up her lines (of course that was the part that my Hayleigh wanted).
Tonight, I have awards night for my older two children. I am excited to see what they will walk away with, but I regret to say that I will be glued to my cell phone during the ceremony.
Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Play-offs is tonight. 
As a hockey family, we take the sport very seriously. My children know that I will be preoccupied with the game, but I will put my phone down to take pictures of their awards.
Speaking of hockey, we have less than two weeks before my daughter's summer hockey league starts up. As much as I'm not looking forward to waking up at 6 am two days a week and dragging out five children for a 30 minute car ride to spend an hour in a hockey arena when the little children will be monsters, it's important to Hayleigh, and I will support that.
Despite the busy week that we have had this week, I do believe that I have finished Self Inflicted, and started on the next book in the series. As I approached the end of the book, I decided I would turn it into a series. Book Two, which is tentatively titled Scars Fade, is off to a good start.
I still have a lot of editing to do on Self Inflicted before my deadline of June 16, but I will be able to complete it in time. I just hate the editing process.


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