Crafts Too!

With the lovely holiday season coming up (and sadly, I don't mean Halloween), I have to find more time for my craft projects. I am a part of several vendor events in the fall/winter months, and since I have been writing non-stop since January, there hasn't been much time for crafting. I have to change that.

This blanket is the ONLY craft project I have done all year, and it's not even finished yet! I have a couple of people wanting blankets by Christmas, so I have to change my priorities a little bit. Don't worry, I will still be writing! I have about 3 chapters done for my fantasy novel so far.

I think I will have an every other day schedule. One day will be writing. The next will be crafting. I still have to get Reopening Old Wounds completely edited before its release next month. Taking a week off of everything last week really put me behind schedule.


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